Tuesday, 23 February 2010

Say what you see! Part 2

After looking at the stories from part 1 below I decided to add a fourth image, this was to see if this fourth image would influence people into thinking or seeing the same stories as others have seen. Again I asked people to give me a story of what they see. So sticking with my 3 previous images I added the image below.

Image sourced from: www.sxc.hu


1 Sister

An angelic gorilla went abroad to go to the seaside.

1 Sister

The gorilla was trapped. Everyone thought he was dangerous, but inside he was innocent and angelic. He just wanted to escape and return back to his home, where it was warm and beautiful, instead of being stuck where the only similar thing was the water and beach.

22 ¼
Optical Assistant
1 Brother

A gorilla is looked after by a guardian angel and the angel leads the gorilla to escape to a better land.
1 Brother, 1 Sister

Man is trapped and wants to escape in a spiritual and religious sense in order to find peace and tranquillity.
Beauty Therapist
2 Sisters
A nice gorilla escapes to a better place where he is not trapped, just like before he was captured.

Music Teacher
1 Brother, 1 Sister

The angelic statue looks so forlorn, like the animals that are caged up feel so lost and alone. They want to escape to a better place. Maybe animals and humans really want the same things.

3 Brothers, 2 Sisters

On a trip to Florence we went round the museums then to the zoo where the gorillas were kept in cages. There was a group trying to help release the gorillas back into the natural habitat.

Unfortunately this image did not do as I had intended. I had hoped people would look at the sculpted angel and take a mannerism from it. Instead some people have managed to add in a religious element to the story. This is perhaps something I should have preempted beforehand, however this just goes to prove that people see things differently.

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